Jackie Aina Military - He's not ashamed of his struggles—it's part of the "bottom-up" chapter of his story. The story goes like this: He was once poor, and through unwavering faith and hard work, he achieved success. As Jackie told me, it was always meant to be.
He was raised Christian, like many other West Africans, and always believed that something greater was waiting for him. "I felt it; I literally kept hearing it from God, and I believed it." His favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13—"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Jackie Aina Military
Source: i.insider.com
It's in the description box of his YouTube video and his Twitter bio. A verse has been etched in my mind since I was a child competing in the National Bible Insurance. Jacqueline Lonje Oleyiwola Oyeshola Bolaemi Aina (born August 4, 1987), better known as Jackie Aina, is a Nigerian-American beauty YouTuber.
Now The Youtuber Is A Force For Change Within The Multi-Billion Dollar Beauty Industry
He was born to an African-American mother and a Nigerian father of Yoruba descent. She is a social influencer who promotes the visibility of people of color in the cosmetics industry. She has Anastasia Beverly Hills, e.l.f.
shared with Cosmetics, Too Faced, Sephora and Sigma Beauty. [5] JA: I'm really open to hearing Ingrid talk about public bathroom issues within the LGBT community and how trans men/women are shamed into using them. For me, I really thought, how would I feel if I didn't feel comfortable doing everyday routine things like using the bathroom?
I want something every hour? I was very sad. "I really feel like there's a small community of my viewers who really care about my well-being," she said. "Not all 3.5 million. But I really think if I said, 'Like, I need a break,' they wouldn't ask for it." Jackie Aina says that on her "army days" she uses a BB cream or CC cream with built-in SPF.
opened the foundation on the side. "I want to look professional, but I don't want to look overdone." Not to mention, it's great for running around all day. No cake-ness here. (She likes: Black Up CC Cream (Opens in a new tab.) Aug 14,
Jackie Aina Got Her Start Working At A Mac Cosmetics Makeup Counter
In 2009, the now 33-year-old posted her first video on YouTube. It was titled Electric Purple Smoky Eye, and mirrors were nowhere to be seen. Instead, it played like a slideshow, alternating between grainy makeup photos and text descriptions of how to achieve the eyeshadow look.
explains. Nearly ten years after the first vlog, Aina's career has come full circle: She announced her collaborative eye-shadow palette with Too Faced. Daughters of immigrants often feel like they're navigating two worlds. Jackie feels worse than Tan.
Source: i.insider.com
: His father is Nigerian , while his mother is African American. "I always tell people that they look like a different couple sometimes because of cultural differences." The gap between two worlds can be lonely.
You feel the need to explain who you are, where you're from, and why you have a spare freezer in your garage (I mean, where do you keep goat meat?). Military beauty, like everything else, is regulated - but that doesn't mean it's off limits.
Ultimately Aina Dreams Of A World With Grace And Balance
Women in the armed forces don't just do makeup and hair because they want to, but they also use beauty as a form of defense. (SPF and hair, you guys.) And then my best friend was literally every day like, "Why don't you start a YouTube channel?"
And I said, "No, not interested, no, not interested, no," I shot him several times. And finally, I said, "Guess I don't have much free time for anything, so I might as well start a YouTube channel."
So I literally did. Aina was born in San Gabriel Valley, California, where she grew up with three brothers and three sisters. He remembers "growing up with nothing" and told BuzzFeed News that he lived in a shelter with his mother and siblings on three separate occasions.
YouTube has launched a new initiative aimed at empowering women creators, in an exciting partnership with the United Nations to appoint top female YouTube creators as new Ambassadors of Change, encouraging their fans to #OwnYourVoice and speak up for gender equality.
Early Career
Makeup artist and blogger Jackie Aina is one of these inspiring women, and I had the chance to ask her a few questions about her personal story. I am lucky, because he is amazing! As a champion for diversity within the makeup industry, Aina argues that people of color are underrepresented and often overlooked in the beauty industry, and criticizes makeup shade ranges that aren't inclusive.
He often points out the lack of darker shades of foundation within the lines. [7] He told Bustle in 2018, "We all come from very different backgrounds and very different races and ethnicities, and what I want to forget might not be for anyone else."[2] More foundation shades, Aina.
Source: lookaside.instagram.com
Eye shadow, blush and lipstick colors are not universal for skin tones. Samantha Leal is the Deputy Editor at Well+Good, where she spends most of her day brainstorming new ideas for platforms, bringing in new writers, managing the day-to-day website, and working with an amazing team to create great stories and packages.
Prior to W+G, she was senior web editor for Marie Claire and deputy editor for Latina.com, with all bylines on the Internet. A graduate of Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism with a minor in African history, he has written everything from travel guides to political op-eds to wine explainers (currently enrolled in the WSET program) to celebrity profiles.
Find her everywhere @samanthajoleal online. In another YouTube video, Aina has explained the reason why her married life is not successful. As her husband is the main breadwinner, Aina feels unable to take care of her own interests.
He felt like he had to put his "dreams" aside and "put [himself] second." We're so glad Aina got out of a dysfunctional relationship and put herself back first — it's easy to see why so many young women and girls look up to her!
"Starting a business in general is something that has many challenges, but starting a business during the whole pandemic is something that we are not prepared for," Aina said. "Not even my mother's generation has experienced this, let alone mine. So I'm proud to have done it and done it successfully."
Black Lives Matter is a very important movement, and in 2020, it took on new life when thousands of people across the country participated in protests to raise awareness of systemic racism in America (via The New York Times).
As a proud activist, Jackie Aina lent her voice throughout the movement. Jackie started her YouTube channel in 2009 to fill two voids: (1) she was faced with being in the military and living in Hawaii and (2) there was no one else on the platform who did makeup like her.
As we chat through our respective slatted windows, I spot a camel-grey Bottega Veneta pouch clutch resting on the white middle shelf of her custom-designed walk-in closet. A versatile 2018 limited-edition Lady Dior bag designed by Pae White, visual artist, is nearby, located on a high mantel;
Source: cdn.amomama.com
and heeled woven thigh-high Fendi boots from the Fall/Winter 2018 collection, all heard in our conversation. HG: You talked about your experience as a woman in the military and the way you were treated. Can you talk about some experiences you've had where you felt you weren't treated equally because of your gender, and how you dealt with it?
"I think it's good to have some grace sometimes," he added. "I always feel like when influencers and digital creators — and especially if you're a black creator — say something, people never let you forget or get over it. People never get a chance to redeem themselves with you."
As the rules call for discretion, neat/sculpted eyebrows and a fresh face characterize every woman in uniform. A vlogger and Air Force member uses Q-tips to outline her brows (opens in new tab) with concealer for a super streamlined look.
So honored to be honored with this year's @naacp Image Award for YouTuber of the Year 🙌🏾 Thank you @google and @naacpimageawards for this incredible opportunity and reminding each of us that even with makeup, we all have power.
To encourage change - or in society 💪🏾 #naacpimageawards "I was in the US Army and did a lot of retail work while serving in the reserves," shared the beauty guru. "I also, at one point, worked for MAC Cosmetics, and started doing makeup after I started my channel!"
On Jackie: The Green Look: Halpern Dress. Amina Muadi Shoes. Anna Zuckerman luxury earrings and ring. David Yurman ring and bracelet. Yellow look: Pyer Moss dress and shoes. Anna Zuckerman luxury earrings and ring. David Yurman bracelet.
White Look: Midi Dress. Telfer earrings. David Yurman ring and bracelet. JustDesi plays. "I think she's the epitome of what it means to be consistent and to be a trendsetter," Aina said of McGrath. "You don't hear about her ripping off other people's work or copying someone else's work. HG: You're clearly a strong and powerful woman who many would call a feminist, but some people can look at makeup videos superficially. Look at that as a misconception and you've got makeup.
What made you choose to focus on videos? JA: Makeup is more than superficial. I'm just a maker, I really love color. So if I want to paint, whether it's on a canvas or a face. I focus on makeup in my videos because I
Source: static.wikia.nocookie.net
I saw an area where there was a lack of beauty and tips for women (and men, because I have a male audience too). And as my audience grew, I realized - no one tells people with dark skin. That they're always beautiful and I want to do that. I
Also sick of going to makeup counters and being told what doesn't look good or doesn't work on dark skin so I took it as a challenge to prove otherwise! Nick Snyder and others have commented
"Because there is no drama around you. People are actually happy for you," while another, Here For The Tea, said, "Hope you all are having fun making money. On checks you earned by lying, taking advantage of your members and selling subpar/contaminated products.
Asamoah never stopped offering. He shared photos of his grand proposal on his Instagram page, showing how he held candles and rose petals in the shape of a heart. He explained, "The proposal took place on a private terrace and had a direct view of the sunset! This terrace is the perfect setting for a private dinner and proposal. Sade is a favorite Jackie artist and I was a saxophonist playing all her favorite hits. The night."
" We honestly can't think of a cuter or more romantic proposal! Jackie grew up in La Puente, California, in a Latino and working-class neighborhood, in a three-bedroom, one-bathroom, 800-square-foot house with her parents and six siblings.
He had been homeless twice before and had to live in a shelter with his mother and siblings until they could get back on their feet. Jackie faces the isolation, ridicule, and casual racism that every immigrant experiences growing up.
"We're all doing the same thing but saying it in different voices," he said. "We all have our own personal point of view, our own take, our own humor, our own personality, and those things are important. People are looking for them."
Jackie Aina and I are members of the same club: the eldest daughter of African immigrant parents. Growing up, we took on chef duties while our parents worked and ran a small illegal childcare center for our siblings.
Source: cdn.face2faceafrica.com
By suppressing our emotions to be strong for others, we learn to be independent and extremely solution-oriented. We don't like people complaining because if you've heard as many "your age" stories as we have, excuses aren't really in your wheelhouse.
र हो, हामीलाई पहिले नै सबै कुरा थाहा छ - किनभने हामीले गर्नुपर्छ। त्यहाँ कुनै चीजको दबाब छ - यदि तपाईं सफल हुनुहुन्न भने, तपाईंको आमाबाबुले तपाईंको लागि गरेका त्यागहरू शून्य हुनेछन्। केही सेलिब्रेटीहरूले लुकाउन र इन्कार गर्ने प्रयास गर्दा तिनीहरूले काम पूरा गरेपछि, ज्याकी आइनाले कसलाई थाहा छैन वास्ता गर्दैनन्!
2018 मा, ताराले "SOOOOO I got plastic surgery" भन्ने भिडियो साझा गर्नुभयो, जसमा उनले आफूले स्तन वृद्धि कसरी भयो भनेर वर्णन गरिन्। आइना समाचार साझा गर्न नर्भस थिइन् किनभने उनलाई डर थियो कि मानिसहरूले आफूले गरेको अन्य प्रक्रियाहरूको बारेमा सोच्नेछन्।
यद्यपि, उनले आफ्नो प्लास्टिक सर्जरीको बारेमा सत्य साझा गर्न छनौट गरे किनभने उनी अन्य महिलाहरूलाई प्रक्रियाको बारेमा सत्य सिक्न मद्दत गर्न चाहन्थिन्। "तपाईँलाई आफ्नो शरीर जस्तो मनपर्छ, त्यसको मतलब तपाईले सुधार गर्न सक्नुहुन्न भन्ने होइन," उनी भन्छिन्।
JA: मेरो लागि, मैले मेरो YouTube च्यानल सुरु गरेपछि भन्नेछु। मलाई ट्यूटोरियलहरू हेर्नको लागि जुनून लागेको थियो र यो तब हो जब मैले व्यावसायिक रूपमा मेकअपमा डुब्न थालें। म इन्टरनेट र YouTube र सौन्दर्य फोरमहरू प्रेरणाको स्रोत र नयाँ अनुप्रयोग सुझावहरू र प्रविधिहरूको रूपमा प्रयोग गर्छु, तर कुनै पनि केटीहरू म जस्तो छैनन् त्यसैले मसँग सिक्नको लागि धेरै कुराहरू छन्।
यो वास्तवमा मेरो सबैभन्दा मिल्ने साथी थियो जसले मलाई मेरो च्यानल सुरु गर्न कुरा गर्यो! ऐनाले कालो छाला भएका महिलाहरूका लागि मात्र यो प्यालेट सिर्जना गरेकी थिइनन्, तर उनले प्यालेट मार्केटिङको अभियानमा कालो र्यापर लिल किम र फक्सी ब्राउनलगायत रङका प्रसिद्ध महिलाहरूलाई पनि श्रद्धांजलि अर्पण गरिन्।
उनले भनिन्, "मसँग मेकअप, कपाल र वार्डरोबको इन्स्टाग्राम एल्बम छ जसबाट म प्रेरित छु र यसमा केही केटीहरू पनि छन्।" कस्तो अर्थपूर्ण र शक्तिशाली अभियान!
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